Resources for Older Adults

Prepared Meals. Contact agencies directly to confirm services and availability.

Long Beach Senior Center

200 Los Robles Avenue #400 Pasadena, CA 91101 562-496-2277
The City acquired this 75,000 sq. ft. former General Telephone and Telegraph building and parking lot in 1977 with funding from Community Development Block Grants. Due to the building’s age and its heavy use as a recreational and health services venue, the re have been several repairs to the heating and air conditioning system and roof, the most recent being in 2006 with general fund financed infrastructure improvements. Major renovations were completed in 1998 and 2002, including American’s with Disabilities Act improvements funded by Community Development Block Grants. The facility is chronically short of parking, and studies have been done to find affordable ways of relieving the deficiency. As of 2009, no solution has been found. The Department of Parks Recreation and Marine operates the Long Beach Senior Center and five satellite senior centers that offer activities and services tailored to the interests and needs of adults age 50 and over. Additionally, there are other facilities that offer senior activities and classes.

Contact Information

1150 E. 4th Street

Phone Numbers

Reception Desk – 570-3500
Information & Assistance – 570-3533 or 570-3534
Senior Fitness Room – 570-3515
Friendly Cup Cafe – 570-3546

“The Place Where Fun Begins”

Hours: M-F, 8am-4:30pm; Sa, 10am-4pm

Non Profits Serving Senior Community

American Association of Retired Persons

200 Los Robles Avenue #400 Pasadena, CA 91101 562-496-2277

Nonprofit providing information on a variety of topics relevant to Older Adults with information on aging attitudes within the Livable Cities Initiative.

Age of No Retirement

Nonprofit organization seeking to foster a revisioning of aging. British organization. Emphasizes the social and economic value of all-age thinking.

Age Wave

2000 Powell Street, Suite 1260 Emeryvill, CA 94608 510-899-4000

For profit thought leader on issues relating to an aging populations, with expertise in the profound business, social, healthcare, financial, workforce and cultural implications.

Alliance for Aging Research

1700 K Street, NW, Suite 740 Washington, DC, 20006 202-293-2856

Nonprofit collecting and reporting on research data and statistics on aging issues plus white papers, presentations on current research.

American Federation for Aging Research

New York, NY 10018 212-703-9977 Email:

Nonprofit of researchers working on advancing healthy aging through biomedical research. Working on reframing aging initiative.

American Geriatrics Society

40 Fulton Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10038 212-308-1414

Nonprofit nationwide organization of geriatrics healthcare professionals dedicated to improving the health, independence, and quality of life of older people. Working on the reframing aging initiative.

American Psychological Association

Nonprofit association of psychologists. Geropsychologists are striving to stop negative age stereotypes and meet the growing mental health needs of older adults.

Area Agency on Aging

County Agency coordinating Senior Services in the LA. Mission is to connect communities and improve the lives of all generations in LA County.

California Alliance of Retired Americans

600 Grand Avenue Room 410 Oakland, CA 94610 510-663-4086 http://www.CARA.

Nonprofit lobbying and advocating for seniors, information on ballot initiatives and legislation.

California Department of Aging

1300 National Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95834-1992

State Agency overseeing information on programs for older adults who works with Area Councils on Aging.

California Commission on Aging

1300 National Drive, Suite 173 Sacramento, CA 95834 916-419-7591

State Agency that is the principal advocate for older adults. Its primary purpose is to advance issues fundamental to ensuring healthy, purposeful, and dignified longevity for all Californians.

Columbia Aging Center

Mailman School of Public Health 722 W 168th St New York, NY 10032

Educational Institution focused on health and understanding of the conditions that promote normal versus pathological aging.

Elder Abuse Hotline

3333 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 400 Los Angeles, CA 90010 877-477-3646 Office 888-202-4248 ELDER ABUSE HOTLINE

County Government agency responsible for taking reports of and investigating elder abuse reports.

Frameworks Institute

1333 H Street NW, Suite 700 West Washington, DC 20005 202-888-0515

Nonprofit working on teaching other nonprofits how to “frame” their issues so their campaigns will be successful. Working on the “Reframing Aging” campaign.

Gerontological Society of America

1220 L Street NW, Suite 901 Washington, DC 20005 202-842-1275

Nonprofit producing research on issues in aging to scientific standards. Working on reframing aging initiative.

Global Coalition on Aging


For profit stepping up to address population aging with new ways of thinking using market solutions and strategies for economic growth.
Host, with Finland, the Silver Economy Forum for government and business leaders in July.

Healthy Living Center of Excellence

280 Merrimack St #400 Lawrence, MA 01843 978-946-1211

Nonprofit teaching older adults to become a more active partner in their health care.

Milken Center for the Future of Aging

1250 4th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-570-4800

Nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank determined to increase global prosperity by advancing collaborative solutions that widen access to capital, create jobs, and improve health. They do this through independent, data-driven research, action-oriented meetings, and meaningful policy initiatives.

MIT AgeLab

Educational Institution researching issues that seek to lay the foundations, envision the systems, and ignite the changes necessary to realize 100 years of quality living.

National Council on Aging

251 18th Street South, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202

Nonprofit advocacy organization for older adults with many resources. Working on reframing aging initiative.

National Housing Law Project

Nonprofit dealing with housing law.

National Indian Council on Aging

8500 Manaul Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM87112 505-292-2001

Nonprofit focused on Native American Indian and Alaskan Native Elders and ensuring their economic, health, and social well-being through policy and advocacy.

National Institute on Aging

Government Agency under the National Institute of Health dealing with aging. Focuses on research on aging.

National Hispanic Council on Aging

2201 12th Street, NW, Suite 101 Washington, DC, 20009 202-347-9733

Nonprofit grassroot national effort on health, economic security, housing, and leadership development within the Hispanic community.

Old School Information

Nonprofit resources for aging. Great resources.

Pioneer Network

PO Box 18609 Rochester, NY 14618 585-287-6436

Organization fostering a movement of care giving that is person-centered, built on the client’s choices, home-based.

Global Action on Aging

Global Action on Aging PO Box 20022 New York, NY 10025 212-557-3163

Nonprofit tracking global aging trends. Great source of articles on aging.
Oversees UN inclusion of aging in policies and statements

Radical Age Movement

1 East 53rd Street New York City, NY 10022

Nonprofit grassroot national effort that challenges traditional notions of aging and introduces new ideas for building co-creative and interdependent communities.

Scripps Gerontology Center

396 Upham Hall 100 Bishop Circle Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-2914

Miami, OH University Research Center on aging. One of the oldest facilities on research in aging. Work in arts and dementia, demography, long-term care, program evaluation, and aging workforce.

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

650 Charles E. Young Drive Los Angeles, CA 90095 310-825-6381

Educational Institution. Kathleen McGarry UCLA Researcher on Seniors, Attitudes towards seniors. Can access CHIS health survey info through this site.

Wise & Healthy Aging

1527 4th Street, #2 Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-394-9871

Nonprofit with a variety of resources for aging and provides services for older adults, their families, and caregivers throughout LA County.

World Health Organization International

Avenue Appia 20 1202 Geneva Switzerland 41-22-791-2111

Nonprofit international organization focused on the health needs of the world. Have a campaign against ageism.

Workforce Development Aging and Community Services

3175 W 6th St Los Angeles, CA 90020 888-202-4245

County Government agency housing a variety of services.

Parks, Recreation & Marine Senior Meals

Human Services Association

Register -

(H.S.A.) lunches - Call 562-570-3520

Long Beach Senior Center

1150 E. 4th Street

El Dorado Park West

2800 Studebaker Road

Houghton Park at Ramona

3301 E. 65th Street

McBride Park

1550 Martin Luther King Ave.

Other Meal Programs

Silverado Park

1545 W 31st Street

Ph: 562-570-1675

Expo Senior Center

4321 Atlantic Avenue 562-570-1655 Call for schedule.

No reservation required.

Meals on Wheels

Must complete application online, by phone or mail. 562-439-5000

Great Plates Delivered

Must be pre-screened. 562-570-4636 option 5

Food Resources and Food Banks

Food Finders

Call or visit website for info on food pantry locations 562-283-1400

Orange County Food Bank

(Call to register) Long Beach Senior Center 714-897-6670 4th Saturday at 9:00am

Salvation Army

Call for info and schedule 562-247-3528

Long Beach Rescue Mission

Call for info and schedule 562-591-1292

Food Bank of CA: Brown Bag

Long Beach Senior Center 562-435-3577. 1st and 3rd Wed. at 8:00am

Contact agencies directly to confirm services and for other local availability.

Other Resources for Older Adults

Free delivery of food and other vital items for those aged 60 and over. Your items must be ordered and paid for in advance of requesting delivery.
Call M-F, 8:00am – 5:00pm to schedule.

CalFresh EBT cards may now be used to purchase groceries online with select providers.
Call for more information or to apply for benefits.

If you are having symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell, call your healthcare provider immediately. If it is a medical emergency, call 911. You can also call the City of Long Beach COVID-19 hotline (562) 570-INFO (4636) to report your symptoms and be referred for testing, if warranted.

The City opened a Rapid Assessment Clinic which is a no-cost, walk-in clinic available to individuals who are unable to access their own personal physicians.

1305 E. Pacific Coast Highway
10:00am – 4:00pm
7 days a week until further notice

Need more help?

If you need help connecting to a resource or cannot find what you are looking for listed here,
please call the City’s Older Adult Resource Line:
(562) 570-INFO(4636)
and select option 5
Calls will be returned.

LB United Signup

LB united © 2020. All Rights Reserved

Resources for Older Adults

Prepared Meals. Contact agencies directly to confirm services and availability.

Long Beach Senior Center

200 Los Robles Avenue #400 Pasadena, CA 91101 562-496-2277
The City acquired this 75,000 sq. ft. former General Telephone and Telegraph building and parking lot in 1977 with funding from Community Development Block Grants. Due to the building’s age and its heavy use as a recreational and health services venue, the re have been several repairs to the heating and air conditioning system and roof, the most recent being in 2006 with general fund financed infrastructure improvements. Major renovations were completed in 1998 and 2002, including American’s with Disabilities Act improvements funded by Community Development Block Grants. The facility is chronically short of parking, and studies have been done to find affordable ways of relieving the deficiency. As of 2009, no solution has been found. The Department of Parks Recreation and Marine operates the Long Beach Senior Center and five satellite senior centers that offer activities and services tailored to the interests and needs of adults age 50 and over. Additionally, there are other facilities that offer senior activities and classes.

Contact Information

1150 E. 4th Street

Phone Numbers

Reception Desk – 570-3500
Information & Assistance – 570-3533 or 570-3534
Senior Fitness Room – 570-3515
Friendly Cup Cafe – 570-3546

“The Place Where Fun Begins”

Hours: M-F, 8am-4:30pm; Sa, 10am-4pm

Non Profits Serving Senior Community

American Association of Retired Persons

200 Los Robles Avenue #400 Pasadena, CA 91101 562-496-2277

Nonprofit providing information on a variety of topics relevant to Older Adults with information on aging attitudes within the Livable Cities Initiative.

Age of No Retirement

Nonprofit organization seeking to foster a revisioning of aging. British organization. Emphasizes the social and economic value of all-age thinking.

Age Wave

2000 Powell Street, Suite 1260 Emeryvill, CA 94608 510-899-4000

For profit thought leader on issues relating to an aging populations, with expertise in the profound business, social, healthcare, financial, workforce and cultural implications.

Alliance for Aging Research

1700 K Street, NW, Suite 740 Washington, DC, 20006 202-293-2856

Nonprofit collecting and reporting on research data and statistics on aging issues plus white papers, presentations on current research.

American Federation for Aging Research

New York, NY 10018 212-703-9977 Email:

Nonprofit of researchers working on advancing healthy aging through biomedical research. Working on reframing aging initiative.

American Geriatrics Society

40 Fulton Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10038 212-308-1414

Nonprofit nationwide organization of geriatrics healthcare professionals dedicated to improving the health, independence, and quality of life of older people. Working on the reframing aging initiative.

American Psychological Association

Nonprofit association of psychologists. Geropsychologists are striving to stop negative age stereotypes and meet the growing mental health needs of older adults.

Area Agency on Aging

County Agency coordinating Senior Services in the LA. Mission is to connect communities and improve the lives of all generations in LA County.

California Alliance of Retired Americans

600 Grand Avenue Room 410 Oakland, CA 94610 510-663-4086 http://www.CARA.

Nonprofit lobbying and advocating for seniors, information on ballot initiatives and legislation.

California Department of Aging

1300 National Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95834-1992

State Agency overseeing information on programs for older adults who works with Area Councils on Aging.

California Commission on Aging

1300 National Drive, Suite 173 Sacramento, CA 95834 916-419-7591

State Agency that is the principal advocate for older adults. Its primary purpose is to advance issues fundamental to ensuring healthy, purposeful, and dignified longevity for all Californians.

Columbia Aging Center

Mailman School of Public Health 722 W 168th St New York, NY 10032

Educational Institution focused on health and understanding of the conditions that promote normal versus pathological aging.

Elder Abuse Hotline

3333 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 400 Los Angeles, CA 90010 877-477-3646 Office 888-202-4248 ELDER ABUSE HOTLINE

County Government agency responsible for taking reports of and investigating elder abuse reports.

Frameworks Institute

1333 H Street NW, Suite 700 West Washington, DC 20005 202-888-0515

Nonprofit working on teaching other nonprofits how to “frame” their issues so their campaigns will be successful. Working on the “Reframing Aging” campaign.

Gerontological Society of America

1220 L Street NW, Suite 901 Washington, DC 20005 202-842-1275

Nonprofit producing research on issues in aging to scientific standards. Working on reframing aging initiative.

Global Coalition on Aging


For profit stepping up to address population aging with new ways of thinking using market solutions and strategies for economic growth.
Host, with Finland, the Silver Economy Forum for government and business leaders in July.

Healthy Living Center of Excellence

280 Merrimack St #400 Lawrence, MA 01843 978-946-1211

Nonprofit teaching older adults to become a more active partner in their health care.

Milken Center for the Future of Aging

1250 4th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-570-4800

Nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank determined to increase global prosperity by advancing collaborative solutions that widen access to capital, create jobs, and improve health. They do this through independent, data-driven research, action-oriented meetings, and meaningful policy initiatives.

MIT AgeLab

Educational Institution researching issues that seek to lay the foundations, envision the systems, and ignite the changes necessary to realize 100 years of quality living.

National Council on Aging

251 18th Street South, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202

Nonprofit advocacy organization for older adults with many resources. Working on reframing aging initiative.

National Housing Law Project

Nonprofit dealing with housing law.

National Indian Council on Aging

8500 Manaul Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM87112 505-292-2001

Nonprofit focused on Native American Indian and Alaskan Native Elders and ensuring their economic, health, and social well-being through policy and advocacy.

National Institute on Aging

Government Agency under the National Institute of Health dealing with aging. Focuses on research on aging.

National Hispanic Council on Aging

2201 12th Street, NW, Suite 101 Washington, DC, 20009 202-347-9733

Nonprofit grassroot national effort on health, economic security, housing, and leadership development within the Hispanic community.

Old School Information

Nonprofit resources for aging. Great resources.

Pioneer Network

PO Box 18609 Rochester, NY 14618 585-287-6436

Organization fostering a movement of care giving that is person-centered, built on the client’s choices, home-based.

Global Action on Aging

Global Action on Aging PO Box 20022 New York, NY 10025 212-557-3163

Nonprofit tracking global aging trends. Great source of articles on aging.
Oversees UN inclusion of aging in policies and statements

Radical Age Movement

1 East 53rd Street New York City, NY 10022

Nonprofit grassroot national effort that challenges traditional notions of aging and introduces new ideas for building co-creative and interdependent communities.

Scripps Gerontology Center

396 Upham Hall 100 Bishop Circle Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-2914

Miami, OH University Research Center on aging. One of the oldest facilities on research in aging. Work in arts and dementia, demography, long-term care, program evaluation, and aging workforce.

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

650 Charles E. Young Drive Los Angeles, CA 90095 310-825-6381

Educational Institution. Kathleen McGarry UCLA Researcher on Seniors, Attitudes towards seniors. Can access CHIS health survey info through this site.

Wise & Healthy Aging

1527 4th Street, #2 Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-394-9871

Nonprofit with a variety of resources for aging and provides services for older adults, their families, and caregivers throughout LA County.

World Health Organization International

Avenue Appia 20 1202 Geneva Switzerland 41-22-791-2111

Nonprofit international organization focused on the health needs of the world. Have a campaign against ageism.

Workforce Development Aging and Community Services

3175 W 6th St Los Angeles, CA 90020 888-202-4245

County Government agency housing a variety of services.

Parks, Recreation & Marine Senior Meals

Human Services Association

Register -

(H.S.A.) lunches - Call 562-570-3520

Long Beach Senior Center

1150 E. 4th Street

El Dorado Park West

2800 Studebaker Road

Houghton Park at Ramona

3301 E. 65th Street

McBride Park

1550 Martin Luther King Ave.

Other Meal Programs

Silverado Park

1545 W 31st Street

Ph: 562-570-1675

Expo Senior Center

4321 Atlantic Avenue 562-570-1655 Call for schedule.

No reservation required.

Meals on Wheels

Must complete application online, by phone or mail. 562-439-5000

Great Plates Delivered

Must be pre-screened. 562-570-4636 option 5

Food Resources and Food Banks

Food Finders

Call or visit website for info on food pantry locations 562-283-1400

Orange County Food Bank

(Call to register) Long Beach Senior Center 714-897-6670 4th Saturday at 9:00am

Salvation Army

Call for info and schedule 562-247-3528

Long Beach Rescue Mission

Call for info and schedule 562-591-1292

Food Bank of CA: Brown Bag

Long Beach Senior Center 562-435-3577. 1st and 3rd Wed. at 8:00am

Contact agencies directly to confirm services and for other local availability.

Other Resources for Older Adults

Free delivery of food and other vital items for those aged 60 and over. Your items must be ordered and paid for in advance of requesting delivery.
Call M-F, 8:00am – 5:00pm to schedule.

CalFresh EBT cards may now be used to purchase groceries online with select providers.
Call for more information or to apply for benefits.

If you are having symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell, call your healthcare provider immediately. If it is a medical emergency, call 911. You can also call the City of Long Beach COVID-19 hotline (562) 570-INFO (4636) to report your symptoms and be referred for testing, if warranted.

The City opened a Rapid Assessment Clinic which is a no-cost, walk-in clinic available to individuals who are unable to access their own personal physicians.

1305 E. Pacific Coast Highway
10:00am – 4:00pm
7 days a week until further notice

Need more help?

If you need help connecting to a resource or cannot find what you are looking for listed here,
please call the City’s Older Adult Resource Line:
(562) 570-INFO(4636)
and select option 5
Calls will be returned.