We are Rise from here
The COVID-19 Crisis will have an ever lasting impact on our community, one that will take time to recover from. Still I feel confident that we can overcome and build a stronger community that is united!
Information is changing daily and resources and information are vital to how we live, how we cope and how we get back on our feet after the setbacks.
LBUnited.com is a space to allow the Long Beach Community and surrounding areas to tap into resources, information, education and find the tools they need to navigate through the COVID-19 Crisis.
We are with you and many organizations are on the ground mobilizing resources to help you and your family.
If you need assistance please fill in this FORM and we will work to ensure you receive the support you need.
If you would like to pay it forward, consider donating to our campaign to provide Food to Long Beach Community members and Face Masks and Face Shields to health care workers in our community.
If you have resources you would like to share, please email us rhousefoundation@gmail.com so we can continue building a strong supportive network for our community.
We can and we will get through this and together we will build a Stronger and more United Long Beach!
Executive Director
Ronnie’s House 501C, Accelerate Uptown
Call Us Today At
323 929 7283
We are available to help 24 hours.